
               author = "Pereira, Alfredo and Gama, Ver{\^o}nica Fernandes",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Anthropization dynamics of the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) in the 
                         Uru{\c{c}}u{\'{\i}}-Una Ecological Station, Brazil, based on 
                         orbital images from 2003 to 2005",
                 year = "2008",
         organization = "Simposio SELPER, 13.",
             keywords = "Cerrado, Brazilian savanna, deforestation, burning, 
                         Uru{\c{c}}u{\'{\i}}-Una, Piau{\'{\i}}, remote sensing, 
                         CCD/CBERS, TM/Landsat.",
             abstract = "O Cerrado {\'e} segundo maior bioma do Brasil e sua 
                         import{\^a}ncia {\'e} justificada por seu tamanho e 
                         biodiversidade. Contudo, atividades antr{\'o}picas amea{\c{c}}am 
                         sua integridade. Desmatamentos e queimadas para 
                         manuten{\c{c}}{\~a}o e expans{\~a}o de culturas e pastagens 
                         afetam at{\'e} dentro de suas Unidades de 
                         Conserva{\c{c}}{\~a}o, que s{\~a}o protegidas dessas atividades 
                         por lei. Isso est{\'a} ocorrendo na Esta{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         Ecol{\'o}gica Uru{\c{c}}u{\'{\i}}-Una (ESECUU), uma Unidade 
                         com 203.426,91 ha no munic{\'{\i}}pio de Baixa Grande do 
                         Ribeiro, Piau{\'{\i}}, inclusive na sua zona de amortecimento. 
                         Este estudo detectou e quantificou a din{\^a}mica dos 
                         desmatamentos e queimadas ocorridos nessas {\'a}reas, na 
                         esta{\c{c}}{\~a}o seca de 2003, 2004 e 2005, por meio de imagens 
                         dos sensores orbitais TM/Landsat-5 e CCD/CBERS-2. Duas imagens de 
                         cada ano foram utilizadas: uma em meados da esta{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         seca e outra no final. Desmatamentos foram detectados em todas as 
                         datas e ocorreram principalmente na zona de amortecimento. 
                         Queimadas tamb{\'e}m foram detectadas em todas as datas, mas os 
                         tamanhos das ocorr{\^e}ncias variaram entre a ESCEUU e sua zona 
                         de amortecimento. O cen{\'a}rio descrito neste estudo enfatiza a 
                         necessidade de urgente e intensa fiscaliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o na 
                         ESECUU para cessar as atividades antr{\'o}picas e a 
                         crai{\c{c}}{\~a}o do plano de manejo, ainda inexistente. 
                         ABSTRACT: Cerrado is one of the largest biomes in Brazil and its 
                         importance is justified for its size and biodiversity that it 
                         contains. However, in reality, anthropogenic interferences risk 
                         the integrity of the Cerrado. Deforestation and burning for the 
                         maintenance and expansion of agriculture and pastures consume its 
                         areas even inside Conservation Units, which are protected from 
                         these practices by law. In the Uru{\c{c}}u{\'{\i}}-Una 
                         Ecological Station (ESECUU), a 203,426.91 ha piece of land in 
                         Baixa Grande do Ribeiro city, in Piau{\'{\i}}, a northeastern 
                         state of Brazil, its not different. Neither it is in its buffer 
                         zone. This study detected and quantified the deforestation and 
                         burning dynamics during the dry season in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in 
                         these areas using images of the orbital sensors CCD/CBERS-2 and 
                         TM/Landsat-5. Two dates from each of the years were analyzed: one 
                         at the middle of the dry season and one at the end. Deforestation 
                         was detected in all dates and occurred mostly in the buffer zone. 
                         Both, the ESECUU and buffer zone showed burning scars in all dates 
                         too, although sometimes it was more intense in one than in the 
                         other. The scenario described in this study reaffirms the urgent 
                         need for a stronger fiscalization in order to stop the 
                         anthropization in the ESECUU and the creation of a management 
                         plan, absent for this unit so far.",
  conference-location = "Havana, Cuba",
      conference-year = "22-28 de setembro de 2008",
             language = "es",
         organisation = "SELPER Capitulo Nacional Cuba",
           targetfile = "XIII_SELPER_2008-Paper-Alfredo_Veronica-DSR_INPE.pdf",
                  url = "http://www.selpercuba.unaicc.cu/",
        urlaccessdate = "30 abr. 2024"
